Save new desktop parameters and restart Windows with new settings!="Save new desktop parameters and restart Windows with new settings!"
Save new desktop parameters. New settings will be activated during next start of Windows.="Save new desktop parameters. New settings will be activated during next start of Windows."
Help on miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey="Help on miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey"
more Help...="more Help..."
No Zoom="No Zoom"
No TV Mode="No TV Mode"
Exit Help screen="Exit Help screen"
Save current settings.="Save current settings."
Restore all previous settings="Restore all previous settings"
All settings will be activated instantly!="All settings will be activated instantly!"
Invalid hotkey combinations will be disabled (gray) to force different hotkeys for both features.="Invalid hotkey combinations will be disabled (gray) to force different hotkeys for both features."
Unsupported functions will be disabled (gray) completely.="Unsupported functions will be disabled (gray) completely."
16 / 4 Bit="16 / 4 Bit"
16,7 million / 24 Bit="16,7 M / 24 Bit"
16,7 million / 32 Bit="16,7 M / 32 Bit"
256 / 8 Bit="256 / 8 Bit"
32768 / 15 Bit="32768 / 15 Bit"
65536 / 16 Bit="65536 / 16 Bit"
Bit depth switching="Bittiefenumschaltung"
Back to main window.="Zurⁿck zu miroSUPERSCREEN."
Desktop Configuration="Desktop Konfiguration"
Exit miroSUPERSCREEN. New settings will be lost.="miroSUPERSCREEN verlassen. Ihre ─nderungen gehen verloren."
Save new desktop parameters and restart Windows with new settings!="Die neuen Einstellungen werden gespeichert und Windows damit gestartet!"
Save new desktop parameters. New settings will be activated during next start of Windows.="Die neuen Einstellungen werden gespeichert und beim nΣchsten Start von Windows aktiviert."
The resolutions available are not compatible with miroTWINFACE.="Die m÷glichen Aufl÷sungen sind nicht zu miroTWINFACE kompatibel."
No miroESCAPE Support="Keine erweiterten Funktionen"
No Zoom Support="Zoom ist nicht m÷glich"
No TV Support="TV Mode ist nicht m÷glich"
miro Hotkey="miro Hotkey"
Save settings?="Einstellungen speichern?"
Hotkey feature turned off="Warnung: Kein Hotkey mehr verfⁿgbar!"
Zoom off="Zoom abgeschaltet"
No TV-Mode="keine TV-Umschaltung"
Help on miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey="Hilfe fⁿr miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey"
more Help...="weitere Hilfe ..."
No Zoom="kein Zoom"
No TV Mode="kein TV Mode"
&Exit help screen="Hilfe verlassen ..."
Save current settings.="Einstellung speichern."
Restore all previous settings="Vorherige Einstellung wiederherstellen"
All settings will be activated instantly!="Alle Einstellungen werden sofort wirksam!"
Invalid hotkey combinations will be disabled (gray) to force different hotkeys for both features.="Durch die Deaktivierung (grau) von verbotenen Kombinationen wird automatisch die Auswahl von unterschiedlichen Hotkeys fⁿr die beiden Funktionen erzwungen."
Unsupported functions will be disabled (gray) completely.="Falls eine der beiden Funktionen von der Graphikkarte nicht unterstⁿtzt werden, ist dieser Bereich grau dargestellt."
16 / 4 Bit="16 / 4 bits"
16,7 million / 24 Bit="16,7 millions / 24 bits"
16,7 million / 32 Bit="16,7 millions / 32 bits"
256 / 8 Bit="256 / 8 bits"
32768 / 15 Bit="32768 / 15 bits"
65536 / 16 Bit="65536 / 16 bits"
Bit depth switching="Commut. niveau bits"
Back to main window.="Retour α la fenΩtre principale."
Desktop Configuration="Configuration du bureau"
Exit miroSUPERSCREEN. New settings will be lost.="Sortie de miroSUPERSCREEN. Les nouveaux paramΦtres seront perdus."
Number of Colors="Nombre de couleurs"
Restore previous settings.="RΘtablir les paramΦtres prΘcΘdents."
Save + Restart="Enreg. + redΘmarrer"
Save new desktop parameters and restart Windows with new settings!="Enregistrer les nouveaux paramΦtres du bureau et redΘmarrer Windows avec les nouveaux paramΦtres!"
Save new desktop parameters. New settings will be activated during next start of Windows.="Enregistrer les nouveaux paramΦtres du bureau. Les nouveaux paramΦtres seront activΘs au prochain dΘmarrage de Windows."
TINT CONTROL="Contr⌠le de nuance"
Virtual Desktop="Bureau virtuel"
Virtual Screen="Ecran virtuel"
miroSUPERSCREEN Desktop Configuration="Configuration du bureau miroSUPERSCREEN"
Small Font="Police rΘduite"
Large Font="Grande police"
User defined="DΘfinie par l'utilisateur"
min.: Screen size="min.: Taille d'Θcran"
125% Screen size="125% Taille d'Θcran"
150% Screen size="150% Taille d'Θcran"
175% Screen size="175% Taille d'Θcran"
max.: Memory size="max.: Taille de mΘmoire"
TV off="TV dΘsactivΘe"
TV underscan="Sous-balayage TV"
TV overscan="Sur-balayage TV"
The resolutions available are not compatible with miroTWINFACE.="Les rΘsolutions disponibles sont incompatibles avec miroTWINFACE."
No miroESCAPE Support="Pas de support miroESCAPE"
No Zoom Support="Pas de support de zoom"
No TV Support="Pas de support TV"
miro Hotkey="Touche rapide miro"
Save settings?="Enregistrer paramΦtres?"
Hotkey feature turned off="Fonction Touche rapide dΘsactivΘe"
miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey="Touche rapide miroSUPERSCREEN"
Help on miroSUPERSCREEN Hotkey="Aide sur la touche rapide miroSUPERSCREEN"
more Help...="suite de l'aide..."
No Zoom="Pas de zoom"
No TV Mode="Mode Pas de TV"
TV-Hotkey="Touche rapide TV"
&Exit Help screen="Quitter Θcran Aide"
Save current settings.="Enregistrer paramΦtres actuels."
Restore all previous settings="RΘtablir tous les paramΦtres prΘalables."
All settings will be activated instantly!="Tous les paramΦtres seront activΘs immΘdiatement!"
Invalid hotkey combinations will be disabled (gray) to force different hotkeys for both features.="Les combinaisons de touche rapide non valides seront grisΘes pour forcer des touches rapides diffΘrentes pour les deux fonctions."
Unsupported functions will be disabled (gray) completely.="Les fonctions non supportΘes seront grisΘes (dΘsactivΘes)."